Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU) Admission Requirements

Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU) Admission Requirements


The application form can be downloaded from the Zimbabwe Open University website -www.zou.ac.zw. After downloading, you then complete the application form, scan and attach together with the following documents to the Virtual Regional Campus:

Diploma, Undergraduate and Master’s Degrees
– Birth certificate
– Educational certificates
– Professional certificates
– Marriage certificate-where applicable
– US$10.00 application fee deposit slip

Master of Philosophy (M.Phil) and Doctor of Philosophy (D.Phil) candidates
In addition to the above documents, DPhil and MPhil applicants must also attach the following:
– Deposit slip for US$30.00 application fee
– Masters Abstract
– Thesis proposal (10-20 pages)

NB: Prospective students/candidates can also apply online by clicking here.


The Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU) is one of the Region’s leading and Zimbabwe’s only University of Open & Distance Learning (ODL), with more than 30 degree and diploma programmes and centres in all the 10 provinces of Zimbabwe. The University is highly dynamic and employs all multi-media ODL delivery methods.  The Zimbabwe Open University exists to empower people through lifelong learning thereby enabling them to realise their full potential in an affordable and flexible manner while executing their endeavours.

Candidates who do not have the stipulated requirements need not apply.

Interested and qualified persons should submit six (6) sets each consisting of the application letter, certified educational and professional certificates, Curriculum Vitae, contact telephone numbers and names of at least three (3) referees. All envelopes should clearly indicate on the envelopes the post being applied for. Applications should be addressed to:

The Director, Human Resources
Zimbabwe Open University
P O Box MP 1119
Mount Pleasant
or Hand delivered to:
3rd Floor, Corner House
Corner Leopold Takawira Street and Samora Machel Avenue