The Master of Science Degree in Peace and Governance Degree Consists of two academic years for full time study
Structure of the Programme
Courses on offer
Code Description
MPG501 Conceptual Framework of Peace and Governance
MPG502 Culture, Conflict and Society.
MPG503 Conflict Resolution and Conflict Transformation
PC 503 Research Methods and Statistics
MPG505 Youth, Peace and Development
MPG506 Globalization and Unipolar Conflict
MPG507 Gender Theories
MPG508 Peace Building within the Context of Africa
MPG509 Leadership and Conflict transformation
MPG510 Professional Practices in Conflict Transformation
MPG511 Intercommunal Conflict Intervention
MPG512 Frameworks in Peace building
MPG513 Development and Peace building
MPG514 French/Portuguese
MPG600 Dissertation
The dissertation must be submitted on or before the due date, which will be given to the student at the beginning of the final year of study. The candidate will submit three loose bound copies of the dissertation to the relevant department. Normally a student will spend the final six months of the program working solely on the dissertation. The dissertation is a core and its weighting is five courses. The relevant department will appoint at least one suitable member of its staff to supervise the student’s work. There will be a minimum of 60 hours of contact time between the student and his/her supervisor during the final six-month period. The contact will not necessarily be on an individual basis.
Two internal examiners and one external examiner will supervise the dissertation. The examiners will produce detailed reports and make recommendations. Normally, the candidate will also be required to present his/her dissertation orally to the Department Board of Examiners.
The Department Board of Examiners will consider the oral examination and the three examiners’ reports and decide on the final mark for the dissertation. Where appropriate, the Department Panel of Examiners will advise the candidate on amendments to be made to the dissertation