Bindura University of Science Education Department of Intelligence and Security Studies

By | May 4, 2019

Bindura University of Science Education Department of Intelligence and Security Studies

About the Department

Reflecting the growing importance placed on security and fighting organized economic crime by Governments, Commerce and Business Organizations world-over, the innovative degree and diploma programmes in Financial Intelligence, Security and Police Studies offer the opportunity to enhance knowledge and skills in these rapidly developing fields. The programme(s) provides examination of organized Financial Economic Crimes, Security and Risk Management through understanding of Security, Contemporary Policing, Crime Prevention and Management theory and practice.

Notably the Bachelor of Business Administration and Police and Security Studies programme delivers detailed exploration underpinned by several key concepts: continuing, professional developments; collaborative learning; critical thinking and reflective practice. Throughout, students on the program are encouraged to reflect on, review and evaluate past, current and future practice. By communicating with one another and with academic researchers, participants enhance personal and communal knowledge to the benefit of individual participants, their forces and the wider police service.

Overall, the four in one (4 in 1) programme offers students the opportunity to undertake supervised research in own areas of choice and or direct professions relevance.

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Suite of degree programmes to offer comprehensive study of theories on collective Economic Crimes, Security and Risk, Crisis and Disaster Management, Contemporary Policing, Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice issues – encouraging students to develop analytical abilities in Financial Intelligence and Risk Assessment at the same time, building the skills to collect and analyze information on Crime, Security and Risk, Crisis and disaster management issues. Also to build and grow existing Certificates and Diploma courses or those interested in studying Security Management at practical level.


Our mission is to undertake top quality teaching and training in the areas of Security, Risk Management, Policing and Criminal Justice and to disseminate knowledge to different communities using a variety of teaching methods all of which require active student participation including lectures and seminars, case studies, practical exercises and project work. We aim to be recognized as a resource for influencing political debates and decision making in and across the world by establishing, an outstanding national and international reputation build on innovation.

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Core Values

  • Self esteem
  • Excellence
  • Commitment
  • Discipline
  • Professionalism
  • Integrity
  • Diversity
  • Learning
  • Research
  • Continuing professional development
  • Collaborative learning
  • Critical thinking and reflecting practice