Bindura University of Science Education Undergraduate Programmes

Bindura University of Science Education Undergraduate Programmes

Undergraduate Programmes

Entry to most programmes at the university is competitive and in many instances, the holding of the minimum entry requirements will not ensure admission. Applicants for undergraduate degrees who, on the application, already fulfil the entrance requirements at a high standard, maybe given acceptance fairly soon after they have applied, but normally final decisions on applications are deferred until late January or mid-February after the results of the qualifying examinations written in November are available. Information concerning registration will be issued to successful applicants with the offer of admission Applicants who are offered admission must immediately reply to the Assistant Registrar (Admissions) accepting or declining the offer. If such reply is not received, the University reserves the right to reallocate the place offered. If an applicant, having been accepted for admission fails to register on the set date and has not obtained prior approval from the Assistant Registrar (Central Registry) for late registration, the University similarly reserves the right to reallocate that place to another applicant. New entrants are required to produce three passport size photographs on registration. List of all Undergraduate programmes Faculty of Science Education Diploma Programme on Offer

Undergraduate Programmes on Offered

Faculty of Science

Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities