BUSE Master of Science Degree in Natural Resources Management and Environmental Sustainability

BUSE Master of Science Degree in Natural Resources Management and Environmental Sustainability

Entry Requirements
The normal entry requirements for the programme are in the following subjects:

  • BSc. in Geography, Biology, Environmental Studies or any relevant degree with a 2.1 grade or better.

Programme Structure

Structure of the Programme

If, in the opinion of the department, a student has already satisfactorily completed a course of similar contents, may be exempted from doing that course and credit given for that course. A student cannot be credited with more than 12 credits.


Code          Title

MG501         Population & Natural Resource Sustainability (Core)
MG502         Rural Environmental Planning (Core)
MG503         Environmental Impact Assessment
MG504         Environmental Economics
MG505         Environmental Policy (Core)
MG506         Land Degradation & Rural Sustainability
MG507         Biodiversity & Environmental Sustainability (Core)
MG508         Integrated Water Resources Management
MG509         Environmental Remote Sensing/GIS (Core)
MG555         Environmental Education (Core)
MG512         Research Methods & Statistical Techniques (Core)
MG513         Climate Change
MG600         Dissertation (Core)


Taught Courses

Each course will be assessed at the end of the semester in which it is taken. The final grade in the course will be based on the marks obtained in the final examination and on course work. (Normally, a tau8ght course is examined through course work, which carries a minimum weighting of 25%, and a final examination 75%). The Departmental Board of Examiners will agree upon the final grade to be given for every course that a student has taken, or been credited with.


A Candidate will proceed to work on the Dissertation only after passing all the required courses. Normally a student will spend the final six months of the programme working solely on a Dissertation. The length of the Dissertation should be acceptable to the Department. The weighting of the Dissertation is 20 credits. The department will appoint at least one suitable member of its staff to supervise the student’s work. There will be a minimum of 60 hours of contact time between the student and his/her supervisor, during the final six-month period; the contact will not necessarily be on an individual basis.

The dissertation must be submitted on or before the 31st of September of the final year. The candidate will submit three loose bound copies of the Dissertation to the department. Normally, two internal examiners and an external examiner will assess the Dissertation. The examiners will produce detailed reports and make recommendations.

The candidate will be required to present his/her Dissertation orally to the department Panel of Examiners.

Programme Overview