IIFT SAFSA South African Fitness Sport Association

IIFT SAFSA South African Fitness Sport Association

Development:  of Sport Aerobics, Fitness Aerobics and Hip Hop international and Dance Aerobics
It has always been the aim of IIFT to develop sport amongst our children. We have seen great benefits throughout the years that sport and dance have had on the children. Personal growth is inevitable in a team sport because one learns to appreciate people and benefit from the experience of working together towards a goal. The way the athletes look and feel about themselves will improve. Their confidence and energy levels will reach new heights.
The sport has given many children alternative opportunities to what the streets, drugs and crime offers. We have seen changes in their

  • self-esteem/confidence
  • stronger sense of belonging
  • development of their true identity
  • personalities
  • view of the future
  • leadership skills
  • endurance (physically and mentally).

The sport brings a discipline that instils order, regulation and self-control. Achievers are role models to their peers and younger children.
The development team is the beginning of an athletes journey in the sport. Teams are made up of 6-8 athletes: boys and girls, only girls or only boys. Performance must have the following elements: dynamic strength, static strength, jumps and leaps (power), kicks, balance and flexibility. The routine is two minutes long and must be performed entirely to music. Each movement must be completed with precision as well as showcase lots of energy and stage presence. It is the ability to perform continuous complex and high-intensity movement patterns to music, which originate from traditional aerobic exercises. No combination of eight counts is allowed to be repeated within the routine. In teams, fitness, synchronization and formation is key, as well as good interactivity between team members.
The development routines are the basics of Fitness Sport. The hardest moves in the routine are a high kick, a split, a push-up and a tuck-jump. Elements get more complicated as they progress to amateur and eventually to professional levels.
All teams are given the same routine in line with FISAF rules and then compete at regional and national levels for a place in the South African team to compete at the World Championships as the South African Development Team. Indeed an honour and a great achievement for them. Currently, we have Development teams in the Limpopo Province, Gauteng, North-West Province, Free State and East London. We are currently working on Kwazulu Natal and the Cape Province to start up their Development Teams again. Should you consider this sport as an after-school activity you would need the following:

  • A large room/hall where the children can train/practise.
  • Electricity
  • Music system (if possible)
  • TV and DVD player or overhead projector and screen.

We will provide:

  • The routines ages: 11-13, ages 14-16 and 17+
  • A DVD – athletes can watch and follow the instructor
  • The competition music
  • An instructor/coach if one cannot be provided
  • Training for potential coaches

A training program (two per year) to help children physically prepare for the competitions.
Our aim is to grow the sport and help children develop holistically as athletes and dancers. The target group would include all ages from 9 and up. Some join the sport for fitness benefit and others want to compete. In the sport, we need athletes, coaches, assistant coaches and judges.
Pre-competition training: IIFT will also provide a training program twice a year to prepare athletes physically for competitions. Training programs are easy to follow but challenging.
About Coaching:  Coaching certification
IIFT provide through short courses specialization to be qualified as coaches through different levels.  All development team routines, music and a DVD of the movements are provided by IIFT. A representative of IIFT will visit the school and provide workshops for coaches. Any person can get involved in coaching or become a training facilitator, but such a person must be able to work with children and be patient yet disciplined. Parents are encouraged to get involved in this way. If a school cannot provide a coach or training facilitator, one can be provided by IIFT. The class will be in a group format.
Coaches decide on the costumes. They should all be identical and have no trimmings longer than 2cm. Leotards, full-body leotards, ski pants with t-shirts are allowed. If the athlete wears a leotard, dance stockings are compulsory. No props are allowed.
About Judging
The panel of judges representing the three essential components in Fitness Sport are:

  1. Technical Judge. (Technical elements must be adhered to according to the international FISAF standards rulebook)
  2. Aerobic Judge. (Aerobic exercise movements using the 7×7 m floor and levels effectively); and
  3. Artistic Judge. (Presentation/showmanship and creative choreography).
  4. HipHop.  (Different categories with specialization in different fields of HipHop conditioning).

There are also shadow judges, who are working towards their credits to qualify as a judge.


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International Institute for Sports Science and Fitness Training (IIFT)Fitness Instructor

International Institute for Sports Science and Fitness Training (IIFT)Conditioning Performance Course

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