MUAST Animal Production Sciences and Health

MUAST Animal Production Sciences and Health

The department offers two undergraduate degree programs and a professional 2-year Master of Science degree in Animal Science. The degree programmes are tailored for students looking to combine an interest in livestock production and technology, as well as livestock production and health. The programmes emphasize application of up-to-date, relevant and appropriate scientific principles and practices for profitable, sustainable and ecologically friendly livestock production at local, regional and international levels.

To be a leading centre of excellence in livestock production technology and health in Southern Africa and beyond.

Mission Statement
To produce disciplined, innovative and skilled livestock practitioners through excellence in teaching, research, community service, innovation and industrialization.

Undergraduate Degree Programmes Offer

Bachelor of Science Honours in Animal Science and Technology (HAST)
Bachelor of Science Honours in Animal Science and Health (HASH)


Entry Requirements
Candidates should have:
Advanced Level passes in Biology and any two subjects from Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Food Science, Geography and Agriculture.

Five Ordinary level passes including English and Mathematics.

Special Entry
A candidate who holds a Diploma in Agriculture or its equivalent may be admitted to the programme subject to the approval of the Senate.

Post Graduate Program

Master of Science in Animal Science (Part-time basis).


Entry Requirements
An Honours degree in Animal Science or related field.

Modes Of Delivery
Full time (Conventional).
Block release.
Weekend classes.

The programme is also designed to equip students with knowledge and skills in setting up and running their own businesses and consultancy firms.

Career opportunities:

Career opportunities:

Graduates may be employed in many interesting and rewarding career directions including:
Research and development Scientists
Livestock Production Managers
Animal nutritionists
Wildlife ecologists
Livestock breeders
Further academic studies.