Port Elizabeth TVET College Registration Procedure

Port Elizabeth TVET College Registration Procedure

Port Elizabeth TVET College Registration Procedure 2025

Port Elizabeth TVET College Registration Procedure 2025 – See Details Below:

 Registration Procedure

  • Applicants shall pay the initial payment and deposit the amount using the College bank account number
  • Applicant submits confirmation letter and proof of payment at registration point.
  • Hostel Superintendent checks financial status, removes block and registers applicant on system.
  • Student card is stamped with name of residence as proof of registration in residence.
  • Resident is issued with key and rules and regulations booklet as well as inventory form to complete

Residents who wish to cancel his/her accommodation shall be required to provide a minimum of three weeks’ notice of departure from the residences. Residents shall be liable for accommodation fees for the full month in which the cancellation took place irrespective of the date of cancellation.

  • A course cancellation shall not automatically serve as a residence cancellation.
  • If a student causes damage to PE College property this shall be charged against the students breakage deposit or in cases where they exceed the deposit, it will be charged against the students account.

Cancellation Procedure
1.    Residents must notify Hostel Superintendent of their intention to cancel three weeks prior to departure.
2.    A cancellation form inclusive of an inventory, claim and checkout form must be completed and submitted to the Residence Office.
3.    Residents shall be given 24 hours to vacate the room and return keys to the relevant officer once the cancellation date comes into effect.
4.    Residence cancellation is performed on system to update account.