Prestige Academy Requirements

Prestige Academy Requirements

Here are the Prestige Academy General Admission/

Application Requirements

  1. You’ll need an email address to complete the application.
  2. South African applicants will need an ID number.  Foreign applicants will need their passport number.
  3. Once you have received your student number from Flavius Mareka TVET College, you will need to pay the application fee.
  4. Make sure your documents are scanned according to the guidelines.
  5. Your admission to Prestige Academy is dependent on you meeting the specific admission requirements for your chosen qualification.
  6. If you don’t meet these requirements, you may want to consider alternative qualifications or possibly, if you qualify, an extended programme, enabling you to register for limited modules in your first year.
  7. Students who completed Grade 12 at the ACE (Accelerated Christian Education) School of Tomorrow may no longer be accepted at Flavius Mareka TVET College.
  8. Some Prestige Academy qualifications have limited spaces available. Meeting the general and / specific admission requirements for a qualification does not guarantee that you will be offered a space for the 2023 academic year.


Before Applying to Prestige Academy, Prestige Academy there are important things to note: