By | August 30, 2022

Regenesys Business School Calendar


New (Online) July 2023

First Semester
Module Saturday Classes 
8:30am – 16:00pm
Digital Assessment and 
Individual Assignment
Due Date
Orientation 6 August
Marketing Management 14, 21  August 1 September 13 November
Project Management 4, 11 September 1 October 20 November
Financial Management 2, 9 ,16 October 29 October 27 November
Financial Management  Revision Session 6 November

BBA Banking l (NQF 5)

New (Online) July 2023

First Semester
Module Online Classes Digital Assessment and 
Individual Assignment
Due Date
Orientation 6 August
Marketing Management 10 August – 1 September 1 September 20 November
Information and Communication Technology 6 – 27 September 27 September 27 November
Financial Management 30 September  – 29 October 29 October 4 December
Financial Management Revision Session 13 November

  1. This schedule is for students who have chosen to study their BBA BANKING l Online
  2. There must be a sufficient number of students for classes to run as planned.
  3. This schedule is subject to change with notification.
  4. Any such notification, together with any other relevant communication, will be posted on the student portal.
  5. It is the student’s responsibility to check the portal regularly for these, and any other important, notifications.
  6. Specific dates and times of revision sessions, examinations, and supplementary examinations will be communicated in advance by the Academic Head and will also be posted on the student portal.
  7. All students are only allowed to submit assessments via Turnitin. Regenesys will not accept assessments sent through any other means.
  8. Academic rules and regulations will be strictly adhered to regarding academic issues for example late submissions, exams and supplementary exams. Students are required to acknowledge that they have read and understood the Regenesys Academic rules and regulations at the commencement of the programme.
  9. Regenesys uses several assessment methods to promote learning as a continuous process through which knowledge and skills are effectively internalised. Students are required to complete the following assessments per module:
  • Digital assessments
  • Individual assignments and
  • Examinations
  1. The weighting of assessment types per course:


Category Test Type Weighting
Formative – objective Digital Assessments 20%
Formative – cognitive Individual Assignment 40%
Summative Exam 40%


  1. If you have any further queries, please feel free to contact your Programme Administrator via the “Post a Query” button under “Contact us “on the student portal for a quick effective response.

BBA Retail l (NQF 5)

New (Online) July 2023

First Semester
Module Online Classes Digital Assessment and 
Individual Assignment
Due Date
Orientation 6 August
Retail Marketing 10 August – 1 September 1 September 20 November
People Management 6 – 27 September 27 September 27 November
Financial Management 30 September  – 29 October 29 October 4 December
Financial Management Revision Session 6 November

  1. This schedule is for students who have chosen to study their BBA RETAIL l Online
  2. There must be a sufficient number of students for classes to run as planned.
  3. This schedule is subject to change with notification.
  4. Any such notification, together with any other relevant communication, will be posted on the student portal.
  5. It is the student’s responsibility to check the portal regularly for these, and any other important, notifications.
  6. Specific dates and times of revision sessions, examinations, and supplementary examinations will be communicated in advance by the Academic Head and will also be posted on the student portal.
  7. All students are only allowed to submit assessments via Turnitin. Regenesys will not accept assessments sent through any other means.
  8. Academic rules and regulations will be strictly adhered to regarding academic issues for example late submissions, exams and supplementary exams. Students are required to acknowledge that they have read and understood the Regenesys Academic rules and regulations at the commencement of the programme.
  9. Regenesys uses several assessment methods to promote learning as a continuous process through which knowledge and skills are effectively internalised. Students are required to complete the following assessments per module:
  • Digital assessments
  • Individual assignments and
  • Examinations
  1. The weighting of assessment types per course:


Category Test Type Weighting
Formative – objective Digital Assessments 20%
Formative – cognitive Individual Assignment 40%
Summative Exam 40%


  1. If you have any further queries, please feel free to contact your Programme Administrator via the “Post a Query” button under “Contact us “on the student portal for a quick effective response.


Bachelor of Accounting Science  

New (Online) July 2023


First Semester
Module Online Classes Digital Assessment and 
Individual Assignment
Due Date
Orientation 6 August
Principles of Marketing 10 August – 1 September 1 September 13 November
Information and Communication Technology 6 September – 1 October 1 October 20 November
Fundamentals of Financial Management 4 – 29 October 29 October 27 November
Fundamentals of Financial Management Revision Session 6 November

  1. This schedule is for students who have chosen to study
  2. There must be a sufficient number of students for classes to run as planned.
  3. This schedule is subject to change with notification.
  4. Any such notification, together with any other relevant communication, will be posted on the student portal.
  5. It is the student’s responsibility to check the portal regularly for these, and any other important, notifications.
  6. Specific dates and times of revision sessions, examinations, and supplementary examinations will be communicated in advance by the Academic Head and will also be posted on the student portal.
  7. All students are only allowed to submit assessments via Turnitin. Regenesys will not accept assessments sent through any other means.
  8. Academic rules and regulations will be strictly adhered to regarding academic issues for example late submissions, exams and supplementary exams. Students are required to acknowledge that they have read and understood the Regenesys Academic rules and regulations at the commencement of the programme.
  9. Regenesys uses several assessment methods to promote learning as a continuous process through which knowledge and skills are effectively internalised. Students are required to complete the following assessments per module:
  • Digital assessments
  • Individual assignments and
  • Examinations
  1. The weighting of assessment types per course:


Category Test Type Weighting
Formative – objective Digital Assessments 20%
Formative – cognitive Individual Assignment 40%
Summative Exam 40%


  1. If you have any further queries, please feel free to contact your Programme Administrator via the “Post a Query” button under “Contact us “on the student portal for a quick effective response.

BBA l (NQF 5)

New (Saturday ) July 2023

First Semester
Module Online Classes Digital Assessment and 
Individual Assignment
Due Date
Orientation 6 August
Business Communication 7 August – 27 August 27 August 13 November
Commercial Law 28 August – 16 September 16 September 21 November
Economics 18 September – 14 October 14 October 28 November
Business Ethics 16  October – 4 November 4 November 4 December
Economics Revision Session 6 November
First Semester
Module Saturday Classes 
8:30am – 16:00pm
Digital Assessment and 
Individual Assignment
Due Date
Orientation 6 August
Marketing Management 14, 21  August 1 September 13 November
Project Management 4, 11 September 1 October 20 November
Financial Management 2, 9 ,16 October 29 October 27 November
Financial Management  Revision Session 6 November

Bachelor of Public Management (NQF 5)

BPM l Sandton New Students July 2023

First Semester
Module Day Classes 
08:00am  – 16:00pm
Digital Assessment and 
Individual Assignment
Due Date
Orientation 6 August
Public Human Resource Management I 12, 13 August 3 September 13 November
Economics I 8, 9, 10 September 1 October 20 November
Public Finance Management I 6, 7, 8 October 5 November 27 November
Public Finance Revision Session 28 October
Economics Revision Session 29 October

  1. This schedule is for students who have chosen to study their BPM in Sandton
  2. There must be a sufficient number of students for classes to run as planned.
  3. This schedule is subject to change with notification.
  4. All students are only allowed to submit assessments via Turnitin. Regenesys will not accept assessments sent through any other means.
  5. Any such notification, together with any other relevant communication, will be posted on the student portal.
  6. Students are required to check the portal regularly for these, and any other important, notifications.
  7. Specific dates and times of revision sessions, examinations, and supplementary examinations will be communicated in advance by the Programme Manager and will also be posted on the student portal.
  8. If you have any further queries, please feel free to contact your Programme Administrator via the “Post a Query” button under “Tools “on the student portal for a quick effective response.
  9. Academic rules and regulations will be strictly adhered to regarding academic issues for example late submissions, exams and supplementary exams.
  10. The weighting of assessment types per course:


Category Test Type Weighting
Formative – objective Digital Assessments 20%
Formative – cognitive Individual Assignment 40%
Summative Exam 40%


Master of Business Administration (NQF9) New Students July 2023 (Friday/Saturday classes)

First Semester
Module Day Classes 
Friday and Saturday
08:30 – 16:00
*Compulsory Saturday Classes 
08:30 – 16:00
Digital Assessment and 
Individual Assignment
Due Date
Main Exams
Orientation 6 August    
Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence 
13, 14 August 7 September 20 November
Strategic Financial Management 10, 11 September 5 October 27 November
Strategic Human Resource Management 8, 9 October 2 November 4 December
Strategic Financial Management Revision Session
30 October    

Master of Public Management (NQF 9) Sandton New Students July 2023 Schedule

First Semester
Module Day Classes 
08:00am  – 16:00pm
Digital Assessment and 
Individual Assignment
Due Date
Orientation 6 August    
Public Policy Development and Implementation 12, 13 August 8 September 20 November
Strategic Management in the Public Sector 9, 10 September 4 October 27 November
Monitoring and Evaluation 14, 15 October 9 November 4 December


New (Saturday) July 2023

First Semester
Module Weekend Classes 
Digital Assessments 
Individual Assignment
Due Dates
Orientation 6 August
Advanced Project Management 7, 14 August 3 September 20 November
Financial Management and Management Accounting 4, 11, 18  September 8 October 27 November
Business Ethics and Corporate Governance
Spiritual and Emotional Intelligence
Advanced Operations Management
9, 16 October 5 November 4 December
Fundamentals of Research 30 October, 6 November 20 May 2023 
Digital Assessment and
Team Assignment)
3 June 2023 
(Team Presentation)
Financial Management and Management Accounting Revision Session 23 October

Postgraduate Diploma in Public Management (NQF 8)

Sandton New Students July 2023

First Semester
Module Day Classes 
08:00am  – 16:00pm
Digital Assessment and 
Individual Assignment
Due Date
Orientation 6 August
Advanced Public Project Management 12, 13 August 1 September 13 November
Monitoring and Evaluation 2, 3 September 21 September 20 November
Public Finance Management 22, 23 September 13 October 27 November
14, 15 October 10 November 4 December
Fundamentals of Research
21, 22 October 6 May 2023 
(Digital Assessment and Team Assignment)
20 May 2023 
(Team Presentation)


Regenesys Business School Postgraduate Programmes

Regenesys Business School Undergraduate Programmes

Regenesys Business School Executive Education Courses

Regenesys Business School Skills Programmes

Regenesys Business School Fees Structure