Hebron Theological College Library

By | October 25, 2022

Hebron Theological College Library

Library Resources
Learners needing research resources should arrange to use the HTC reference library at Plot 7 Sports Road, Slaterville, Benoni. In addition, special arrangements have been made for HTC learners to access several Universities and Theological College libraries throughout South Africa.
These libraries include:
· The Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth.
· Cape Bible Training Centre Cape Town.
· Foundation for Cross-Cultural Education Libraries in Zambia and Wolseley.
· The Baptist Theological Seminary Johannesburg.
· Cape Town Baptist Seminary.
· Bible Institute of South Africa, Kalk Bay.
· Wesleyan Evangelical Theological Seminary, Brakpan.
· Nazarene Theological Seminary, Krugersdorp.
Each of these libraries has its own membership conditions. The general rule is that books may not be taken away from their premises. HTC students must produce a student card to show that they are current, bonafide students.
HTC uses the Bookcollectz library programme with which to catalogue and search for volumes and subject material. Internet access has also been enabled to JSTOR electronic journals, ALUKA digital library and the National Research Foundation database. Students can access these databases from any online computer via allocated usernames and passwords. These usernames and passwords are available from HTC.
A further excellent Internet resource can be found at “http://www.ccel.org” (Christian Classics Ethereal College Library) and at http://www.e-sword.net


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Hebron Theological College Library