Kingswood College Grahamstown Fees

Kingswood College Grahamstown Fees

Below are the Kingswood College fees for the school year of 2023. For a more detailed breakdown and to see the additional payment options available to parents, please click here to download the full document. 

Junior School

Pre-Primary – Grade 000, Grade 00 & Reception 13 310 39 930
Grades 1 and 2 19 270 57 810
Grade 3 20 300 60 900
Grade 4 25 160 75 480
Grade 5 29 275 87 825
Grade 6 32 940 98 820
Grade 7 36 880 110 640
Grade 1 & 2 48 780 146 340
Grade 3 50 350 151 040
Grade 4 55 210 165 640
Grade 5 59 360 178 080
Grade 6 64 303 192 910
Grade 7 68 755 206 265

Senior School

Grades 8 and 9 44 815 134 445
Grade 10, 11 & 12 47 905 143 715
Bridging Year 28 600 85 800
Grade 8 & 9 85 810 257 430
Grade 10, 11 & 12 92 083 276 250
Bridging Year 59 060 177 180

* NOTE: The fee for ‘Boarders’ is a composite one incorporating tuition and boarding costs.

Additional Charges

Pre-Primary 5 545
Grade 1 – 7 Day Scholars 6 355
Grade 1 – 7 Boarders 12 310
Grade 8 – 12 Day Scholars 9 820
Grade 8 – 12 Boarders 17 500
Bridging Year 6 400
Bedding Fee Per border 2 000 (non-refundable) (once off)
Sanatorium Levy Boarders (termly) 770
IEB Examination Fee Grade 12 8 000 (estimated fee)

* Changes in status from Day Scholar to Boarder will require an upgrade of the enrolment fee.

*The deposit for international pupils is equivalent to one term’s fees payable in full on enrolment and is repayable when the scholar leaves Kingswood less the enrolment fee above which is the non-refundable portion. The refund will be effected after the final term’s fees account has been settled. The deposit is applicable to pupils whose parents are not permanent residents in South Africa. Alternatively, the College will accept an irrevocable letter of credit/guarantee from your bankers for an amount equivalent to one term’s fees payable in South African rand, free of commission and bank charges. In this event, you will be expected to pay the enrolment fee as set out above.

* Family Rebate: Second Child – 5%, third and subsequent child – 10%. The rebate applies to tuition fees only from Grade 1 to Grade12 and is offered for those pupils who do not enjoy any other form of financial assistance.

Levies, exclusions, terms and conditions

The above fees are subject to terms and conditions as well as additional levies and exclusions. To see the full fee breakdown with all the terms and conditions please download it here.

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